The hustle and bustle of Shogatsu (正月 / New Year’s Day) started in the last few days of December. Most Japanese people are preoccupied with their holiday shopping lists, as well as diligently carrying out their Osoji (お掃除 / year-end spring cleaning). For us, it took a few days just to tidy and dust all the nooks and crannies of the house. By New Year’s Eve, otherwise known as Omisoka (大晦日), the house is clean and orderly, with Oshogatsu Kazari (お正月飾り/ New Year’s Decorations) in place – all set to usher in the new year.

The relatives of my husband love to meet, feast, and be high in spirit. :*) We usually have big family gatherings at major festivals or annual events. Omisoka is no exception. Hence, after my MIL had prepared an array of symbolic foods for Osechi Ryori (お節料理 / JNY traditional dishes), we helped her with tonight’s dinner.

A few hours after the scrumptious dinner, it was a family tradition to have Toshikoshi Soba (年越しそば / New Year’s Eve Buckwheat Noodles) for supper. The Japanese will pray for their family to be blessed with good health, well-being, and longevity as they slurp the long thin noodles. Additionally, “Toshikoshi” literally means “year-crossing.” Hence, one will carry his/her previous year’s good fortune into the new year.

Toshikoshi Soba

I did an Etegami (picture postcard) for Omisoka.
Message: We hope to enjoy a long life and continue to be blessed with family fortunes.

There is always a great lineup of TV programs, all competing for viewers’ attention on New Year’s Eve. However, NHK’s Kohaku Uta Gassen (紅白歌合戦 / Red-White Song Battle) would be the most popular. The year’s most favorite music artists will be grouped according to gender (i.e. female singers/lead vocals will form the Red Team and the males will form the White Team), to compete from 7.30 p.m. to 11.45 p.m.

Red White Song Battle

Then, the following TV broadcast will be Yuku-toshi, Kuru-toshi (Old Year Out, New Year In). Anyone who wishes to hear Joya no Kane (除夜の鐘 / New Year’s Eve Bells), which is another highlight of Omisoka, can hear the bell strike at the stroke of midnight in the 45-minute program.
