Christmas Pinecone craft

Introducing Nimo, my eighth Christmas tree decoration. She is part of my pinecone craft series in Japanese style. Of which, I’d share the basic techniques of Chirimen Zaiku (γ‘γ‚Šγ‚γ‚“η΄°ε·₯/Crepe Handicrafts) that I am learning from books. Okay, here is how I make my chirimen pinecone goldfish. Step by step, here we go!

Painting the Pinecone

My pinecones were baked before I used them for crafts. Here is how I baked my pinecones. I wanted the colors to be vibrant in this project, so I used yellow acrylic as a base paint. Once it was completely dry, I added the red acrylic. Since I was going to cover up the base of the pinecone, I left it unpainted.

Painting Pinecone

Getting the Eyes Ready

While waiting for the acrylic paint on the pinecone to dry completely, I started to work on my goldfish’s eyes. (1) I used two small round cardboard and white chirimen scrapes (later cut into circular shapes).

Chirimen eyes

(2) I glued a small amount of batting onto the round cardboard. Then, I placed the side with batting to face the wrong side of the crepe fabric. I glued the fabric onto the back of the cardboard. This would give me a rounded, cushioned white part of the eyes. I repeat the steps for the other eye.

chirimen craft

(3) I used black felt fabric to cut two not-so-perfect (:P) circles and glued it onto the white parts. (4) I actually made a mistake here in part four. I intended to have bulging eyes for Nimo. However, I cut the fabric too small, so the eyes were almost the same size as the bulging part. Bad estimation! So, Nimo became a Bubble Eye Goldfish instead. LOL!

The main part of the goldfish

(1) Now that the pinecone is colored and dried, I wrapped the base with my leftover Christmasy felt fabric (9 x 9 cm), with a few layers of batting in between to give it a rounded look. (2) I drew a pattern like this for the tail on a 12 x 8 cm chirimen fabric. (3) Then I folded the fabric into halves and cut the pattern out accordingly. (4) Then, I placed the right sides of the fabric touching each other and sewed along the seam line on the wrong side.

Pinecone craft

(5) I inverted it right side out, through the opening. I added another stitching line (see picture) and gave it a light pull to give the tail a little curling effect. (6) I tied a few of the top scales together in order to fit and glue the tail onto the pinecone.

The mouth of the goldfish

1. I used a 3 x 7 cm fabric for the mouth. I folded it into halves. (2) I joined the ends of the fabric into a ring, and I sewed the raw edges with a running stitch. In the end, I gave the thread a pull and the raw edges gathered together. (3) Then, I added glue it onto the pinecone.

DIY Christmas decoration

Adding the fins

Christmas craft

For the fins, I used a pentagon pattern. It doesn’t have to be perfect or accurate. I folded it into halves and sewed along the wrong sides. Then, I inverted them right side out and glued them onto the pinecone.

Finishing Touches

I added a string and a bell.

Christmas tree decoration

And to complete it, I added stripes of 5-cm gold-glittering ribbons and glued them in between the pinecone scales (only on the top of the fish and not on the belly). DONE!


Nimo, My Little Goldfish

Christmas Tree Ornament