Maximum Weight Gain of 10 kg

In Japan, doctors believe that overweight mothers-to-be may have a higher risk of pregnancy or childbirth complications. Hence, all expectant mothers are told to diligently watch their diet and limit their weight gain to 10Β kg during pregnancy.

Back where I came from, this may be are encouraged to eat for two (or even three or even four). Thus, they were gaining weight faster than their Japanese counterparts. As for me, I ate in moderation as I secretly hope to return to my pre-pregnant body with the least effort possible.

Eventually, my maximum weight gain was 9 kg. Though after delivery I was only 2 kgΒ heavier than I had previously been, my joy was brief. I soon realized that it was taking forever to lose that extra weight. Sniff ~~>_<~~



Sushi – the food to avoid?

In many parts of the world, pregnant women eating sushi are not only frowned upon but strictly forbidden. Since I am unable to resist sushi, I am glad to be in Japan. Like any Japanese mother-to-be, I continued to eat raw seafood throughout my pregnancy. Even shortly after childbirth, the hospital threw me an Oiwai Gozen (celebratory feast) to celebrate the safe delivery of my son, and sashimi was on the menu.
