The first time I wore a kimono was at my wedding, seven years ago.♡
It was a “silver” kimono with peacock and flower motifs. I also wore a tsuno-kakushi (wedding headpiece).

In January, we went to a photo studio to have our family portrait taken. It is to commemorate our kiddos’ Shichi-Go-San event. We were all in kimonos. I wore an Iro-Tomesode (色留袖), which is a typical kimono for a married woman. I relied on my MIL to help me put on the Japanese traditional costume.

So, I was thinking, that maybe if I blogged about it, I would remember the steps. Then, I will have the courage to wear the kimono without any assistance in the future. I am so grateful to have a beautiful friend who was willing to model for me as I photographed the sequence*:

Before we begin, it is important to have all the necessary items laid out and within easy reach (if you are doing this alone, place the items on a rack or table above waist-level).

* Note: This is how my MIL dressed us, I am sure there are many other ways to do it. For more information, I highly recommend this book: The Book of Kimono – The Complete Guide to Style and Wear by Norio Yamanaka (1982).

These are the things you will need (in red)…

Part One: Under-Kimono

Wear the [1] Tabi (split-toed socks) first because wearing them later may cause the kimono to lose its shape. The [2] Hada-juban (undershirt) and the [3] Susoyoke (half-slip) are worn directly over our underwear. The kimono will look better if its cylindrical outline is maintained. So, it may be necessary to use [4] towels or body pads to “straighten” body curves. My MIL sewed two white hand towels into one long piece, and it worked well. Just fold it in half length-wise and wrap it below your breasts.

How to put on kimono

My [5] Nagajuban (full-length under-kimono) came with a sewed-on Eri Shin (half-collar lining), which is easier for beginners. Leave a fist-sized space between your neck and collar, secure the nagajuban with its cord and fasten the [6] Date-jime (waistband) in front.

Putting on Kimono

Part Two: Outer Kimono

Temporarily clip the collar of the kimono to the under-kimono with a [7] clothespin. Make sure the BACK mid seam is centered. Raise the kimono off the floor, then lower it until its hem is even and slightly above the floor. Wrap the left panel over the right panel. Tie a [8] Koshi-himo (sash) to secure the kimono. The excess kimono fabric should be neatened, hung out evenly, and covered over the koshi-himo sash. It takes a lot of practice to get all these steps right.

Wear a kimono

Next, fasten one end of the elastic [9] kimono belt to one side of the kimono panel. Wrap the belt around your back and clip on to the inner panel.

Using Kimono belt

Use another, wider [10] Date-jime (waistband) to secure the kimono.

Part Three: Obi

The Obi that we used here is known as the [11] Nagoya Obi, which is pre-folded and part of it is stitched in halves. Drape the folded short section over the left shoulder. Wrap around the waist once, then insert the [12] Obi Ita (obi stay) before wrapping the waist the second time around.

Learn to wear kimono

Use a [13] Kari Himo (a temporary sash; in our case, we just used an extra obi cord) to hold the obi briefly, freeing our hands to work on another part of the obi.

The [14] Obi Makura (obi pad) is used to help form the drum shape of the bow. An [15] Obi-age (bustle sash) is a piece of fabric used to wrap and cover the obi makura. Here, we used a crepe fabric. Center the obi pad and raise the drum part of the bow onto your back, then temporarily tie the ends in front.

Nagoya obi

This is how my MIL folded the rest of the trail section, and she tucked the short sections neatly into the drum. Then she passed the [16] Obi-jime (obi cord) through the drum and tied it in front. She then removed the [13] kari-himo (temporary sash).

nagoya obi

Here is the front view showing how the obi-jime is tied and how the ends of the obi-magura are tucked on top of the obi.

Kimono nagoya obi

My Beautiful friend in Kimono… Thank you, Su ♡

learn how to wear Kimono

Yes, the steps to wearing a kimono (especially the Obi) can be very intimidating, especially for beginners. I highly recommend these videos. The instructor speaks in Japanese, but she is very thorough and her steps are easy to understand. Enjoy Kimono!

kimono lesson
kimono tutorial
how to wear obi