(絵手紙) is postcard art. Even with simple calligraphy and drawings, the picture postcards are very rich in Japanese culture; they usually depict Japan’s seasons, festivals, lifestyles, activities, and other uniquely Japanese stuff.

Despite a modernized and hi-tech lifestyle, the Japanese customarily made an etegami to send greetings to their friends and loved ones. Though the message is relatively short, the time, effort, and personal touch supersedes any quick phone calls, brief emails, or e-cards. The title of an etegami book best sums it all up: “One etegami, ten times the happiness gained.”

The theme and style of an etegami are entirely up to one’s creativity. It can be done in any medium, but watercolor and ink are the most common. And you don’t have to be an art expert to create a picture postcard. In fact, with etegami, the more clumsy and childlike the artwork is, the more interesting it looks. In my opinion, a simple drawing with an interesting composition is far better than a complicated picture. Less is more!

I did these picture postcards a few years ago… (Hmm, there could be some Japanese errors ^_^)

(Question: What type of flower am I?)

(Answer: The natural bug-killer type.)

(Drops of tears save lives)

(Cultivate lives in tears)

