Our 100-day-old’s First Meal

Today, Baby is 100 days old! We had the Okuizome (お食い初め / “First Meal”) for him. Okuizome is a Japanese tradition that parents carry out on the 100th day after the birth of their child. (Some regions had theirs on the 120th day). By performing the ritual, they hope their child will always have good food in abundance and will never go hungry for the rest of his or her life.

My mother-in-law (MIL) single-handedly prepared a sumptuous meal for the little guy. She was so excited to celebrate her first grandson’s weaning ceremony that she bought a beautiful Okuizome dining set specially meant for baby boys.

Weaning Ceremony Set
Okuizome set

A close-up picture of the Okuizome set with an illustration of Kabuto (helmet).
As usual, designs vary between baby boys and girls.

On the menu (which may differ slightly between regions):

Japanese Mochi Rice

Sekihan (赤飯 / red rice) – red beans with “sticky” rice (commonly used to make mochi).
A popular dish for auspicious occasions.

Japanese Soup

Sumashi-Jiru (すまし汁 / Clear Soup) or Sui-mono (吸い物 / Japanese-style soup)

Sea Bream

Tai (鯛 / Sea Bream) – shares the same homonym with Mede-TAI (Happy, Joyous, Auspicious).
It is also a symbol of wealth and prosperity, served with the head and tail intact.

Stone and Prune

Ishi (石 / Stone). Yes, you’re reading it right.
“Biting” a smooth pebble is an act to ensure the growth of strong, healthy teeth.


An interesting note: Osaka uses Tako (octopus), while some region uses Ume-boshi (梅干 / dried plum);
Red-White Mochi (Japanese rice cake) or Kachiguri (勝栗 / dried chestnut).

Japanese Food

Nimono (煮物 / Food cooked by boiling or stewing)

Pickled vegetables

Kono-mono (香の物 / Pickled vegetables)

Though these delicious foods were prepared specially for him, Baby DID NOT consume any. Instead, Grandpa and Daddy played the important roles of pretending to feed Baby during the ceremony. And yes, Baby started wailing and demanding his very important MILK MILK immediately after the ceremony.

I wonder what I should do with the stone. Hmm, rock painting? Any creative suggestions? ^_^?
